A Post-Menopausal Woman’s Perspective on Viagra

2 mn read

Take one middle-aged guy with a decent understanding of the female anatomy, one postmenopausal woman and add a dash of Viagra and what do you have? A recipe for red-hot sex that goes on and on and on. Age and experience combined with the stamina of a twenty-five year old. Ah Viagra, I do enjoy you from time to time.

I’m one of those women that really do love cock. I love the way a guy adorned with a cock ring is basically announcing he’s ready to play. And I adore the way I don’t really know how a cock is going to behave until I’ve got my mouth around its head or until it’s fully inside me. Every cock is different and part of the fun of sex is discovering how a man likes his cock handled.

A recent lover, who favoured a multi-ringed cock ring aptly named Gates of Hell, liked everything very slow and sensuous. He was also a lover of Viagra, something I hadn’t had much experience of in my forties. When I did have an encounter with a man on the stuff, I recall thinking after a half hour or more: “I wish he’d just hurry up and finish.” Viagra isn’t really meant for the younger man, in my opinion or those for whom erections come easily. It makes their dick almost too hard and can make it challenging to come.

Fast-forward ten years, however, and it’s a different story. As a woman who can take a while to achieve orgasm, it’s relaxing to know that the guy I’m with isn’t going to ’pop’ in a few minutes. I can take my time, content in the knowledge that we’re not on the clock and my lover can relax too knowing that he can look after my needs without having to worry about his own erection.

Viagra is discriminating. If there’s no chemistry, it doesn’t work. I have known men to take Viagra and they still couldn’t get it up because the situation wasn’t right. I like that about Viagra, if you’re not turned on it doesn’t work. It can make choices. I’ve heard women say: “Oh, the guy I’m with doesn’t need any help” but they’re missing the point. Sure, I understand that some guys take it because they really do need a little help. While for others it enhances what they already have going for them. I don’t have a problem with an older guy who desires the stamina of his younger self from time to time.

Mr. Xtra Hard, 54, told me: “Viagra takes away the worry. Put worry and sex together and it’s not a good combo. Some hedonistic males like taking recreationals that give you great ideas but affect your performance. Like the soliloquy of the wine keeper in Macbeth, it provoketh yet it takes it away. Using Viagra, I can be creative without having to worry about whether my dick is going to behave!”

Now, before you go accusing me of advocating drug use, here’s a warning. Viagra isn’t for everyone and may have side effects. which can include nausea, facial flushing and hot flushes. Some men also complain of indigestion, nasal congestion and dizziness after taking their tablet. For those who don’t actually need it, overuse can lead to erectile dysfunction.

To all the rest of the men out there who might need a little bit of help, I say, lose the shame, celebrate the wonder that is your cock and enjoy the experience!

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