Simon Heathcote

  • Simon Heathcote changed their profile picture 2 years, 2 months ago

  • ‘The human body is the best picture of the human soul.’ Ludwig Wittgenstein

    ‘Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own’ […]

  • ‘Those tender words we said to one another are stored in the secret heart of heaven. One day, like the rain, they will fall and spread, and their mystery will grow green over the world.’Rumi

    The mystery that lie […]

  • ‘Go you, sweep out the dwelling room of your heart; prepare it to be the home of the Beloved; when you go out He will come in. Within you, when you are free from self, He will show His Beauty.’ Sufi

    I notice I h […]

  • This head of mine tells me stories
    Of predictable gloom, of past pain.So I have to trust my heart and itsSudden surge of feeling, whichCatches me unawares and racesTowards the smell of your familiarityAnd our […]

  • Simon Heathcote wrote a new post 7 years ago

    ‘A time comes in a person’s life, in a particular incarnation, when he begins to lose interest in the affairs of the world, knowingly or unknowingly. He may feel that he does not belong to the world, and the […]

  • ‘The man, who, being really on the Way, falls upon hard times in the world will not, as a consequence, turn to that friend who offers him refuge and comfort and encourages his old self to survive. Rather, he will […]

  • ‘There is no force in the world but love.’

    At the core of all longing, striving and struggle languishes the bloodied, tender heart, with all movement either taking us further into the heart wound and the […]

  • Without an appreciation of the soul’s radical desires, psychotherapy can interfere with psychological and spiritual maturation and promote a non-imaginative normality that merely supports people to be b […]

  • ‘Spiritual life begins when seeking fails.’ Adi Da Samraj 

    The freshness of the day glinted through the window, navigating its way through the small opening and spreading out like a fan made of silken butt […]

  • ‘Our story…is much older than its years, its datedness is not to be measured in days, nor the burden of age weighing upon it to be counted by orbits around the sun, it does not actually owe its pastness to tim […]

  • ‘Creation and destruction, I am dancing for them both.’ Rumi

    Sometimes a man can live his life on the borders and in the margins, camp out in purgatory, know the territory of thresholds and sing his song amo […]

  • ‘How could you possibly have such a purity in a clay creature? A clay creature is always a mixture of light and darkness.’ John O’Donohue

    In the beginning, in St Jean, France, a sign swinging in the morning breez […]

  • Therapists, in my view, are born not made, preferably within the toxic shambles of ancestral cock-ups, gloom and tragedy, glued together by betrayals and abandonments under a carapace of despair.
    For as the poet […]

  • This myth you make now,

    this soup of old bones,

    stretches like a necklace of islands strung out

    over a watery grave, a garland of

    ancestors, begging, pleading, healing.

    And what you do now cascades up

    and […]

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