Love your honesty and wit, Gill!

I remember seeing Cunning Stunts in the early '80s when I was living in London.

"But does one want to be free of all the things that make us human?" Very much this. It's part of being human to care, grieve and worry.

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I very much enjoyed this essay. I love the life balance that Gill has found. Thank you!

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Oh brilliant! Hello from Oz! I’m saving this for a later read, so I don’t lose it in the onslaught of great writing and interviews that I can’t keep up with! Looking forward to it!

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Great to hear from you and your comments...

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Sorry for repeating ! Technology isn’t my strength !

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I’m so inspired and excited to be older as there’s so nourishment to be had ! I’m 62 .

Thankyou and here’s to good health and creativity !

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Having read your Q&A I’m feeling inspired and excited to be older as there’s so much to do ! ( am 62 )

Thankyou , I wish you much creative joy and good health ! Xx

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I very much enjoyed this too - I wish I lived near Bridport or in Portugal to have tea with Gillian and swim with Hector.

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