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5 mn read

He Knew Me Better Than Anyone Else Has Ever Known Me

Posted in Advantages of Age

5 mn read This time last year my best friend died. Scott Taylor, Canadian, dramatist, artist, pianist, cultural commentator, polymath, survivor of an abusive childhood, collector of Susuki vases, author of a 700 page as yet unpublished tome ‘Dismantling Mouths’, and, in his own words, ‘a neurotic’s neurotic’.  In January this year, I attended, virtually, a seven hour […]

5 mn read

Borrowed Light – Joining My Daughter’s Hen Weekend

Posted in Advantages of Age

5 mn read Earlier this year, in May 2022 – after a long winter of shielding and healing where I occupied an increasingly shrinking, but very safe-feeling world – I emerged, tentatively, into the sun. This process was facilitated in no small part by a group of bright, young women – my daughter’s closest and dearest friends, who […]

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