14 mn read

AofA Poetry Evening – Introducing the Poets

Posted in Q & A

14 mn read From our inception in 2016, Advantages of Age has always had a proclivity for poetry. In 1936, William Butler Yeats, widely considered one of the greatest poets of the 20th century, described Edith Sitwell’s poetry – ‘Her language is a traditional language of literature — twisted, torn, complicated, choked here and there by strange resemblances, […]

3 mn read

AofA People: Gillian Haqqani – Jeweller

Posted in Q & A

3 mn read What is your name? Gillian Haqqani Briefly sum up who you are and what motivates you Who am I? That’s a hard one. Factually I’m a twice-married once divorced and now happily separated mum, granny, and former teacher, now a small business owner. What motivates me? I’ve always been very self-motivated, and I’ve always wanted […]

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